Mechanical cleansing

The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 hours.

This procedure is primarily hygienic skin care, and only secondarily aesthetic, that is, improving appearance.

Facial cleansing is the most common cosmetic procedure. It means cleansing the skin of everything unnecessary – dirt in clogged pores, comedones (inflamed sebaceous plugs – pimples), dead cells.

Regular facial cleansing is recommended for everyone except children before puberty.

Usually, when the skin is contaminated, its immunity is greatly affected. Fat plugs, also known as comedones or blackheads, clog the fat glands, which prevents the outflow of skin fat. Skin fat is a natural protective lubricant for the skin, that protects it from drying out, prevents evaporation of moisture, softens and makes it elastic.

Price 449 kr


  1. Makeup removing (cleanser + toner).
  2. Antiseptic skin treatment.
  3. Scrubbing.
  4. Softening the top layer of skin (vaporization, gels, cold hydration, galvanization, etc.).
  5. Mechanical cleansing – manual, deepest and most thorough skin cleansing method.
  6. d’Arsonval – healing physiotherapy after deep skin cleansing. This medical device helps the skin cope with acne due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, and helps eliminate congestion on the skin (acne spots). It has a powerful cauterizing effect on inflamed areas.
  7. Mask according to skin type (relieving redness, inflammation and narrowing pores).
  8. Finishing agent – creams, lotions or emulsions of non-greasy texture that have a powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect.


Ultrasonic cleansing

The duration of the procedure is about an hour.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is based on high frequency ultrasound emitted by a special plate of the device. Micro-streams appear on the skin, which weaken the connection of keratinized cells located near the surface. This ensures their easy removal. Microvibration improves blood flow in the surface layers of the skin, which reduces the number of fine wrinkles and generally improves the appearance of the skin.

The use of ultrasound makes it possible to clean the face and at the same time avoid injury to the upper layers of the epidermis, pain, and swelling. Usually there is only a slight redness after the procedure, which quickly disappears.

It can be performed on any type of skin, even very sensitive or problematic (for example, with rosacea).

During the session, the surface is cleansed deeply and evenly, and the natural moisture of the skin improves. After a delicate and at the same time thorough exposure to ultrasound, the upper layers of the epidermis are renewed, the skin becomes soft and fresh. A slight rejuvenation effect is achieved through a delicate lifting effect on superficial and expression wrinkles. After the ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure, any cosmetic products penetrate the skin much more effectively, thereby increasing their effectiveness.

Price 449 kr


  1. Makeup removal (cleanser + toner).
  2. Antiseptic skin treatment.
  3. Scrubbing.
  4. Softening the top layer of skin (vaporization, gels, cold hydration, galvanization, etc.).
  5. Ultrasonic cleaning.
  6. d’Arsonval – healing physiotherapy after deep skin cleansing. This medical device helps the skin cope with acne due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, and helps eliminate congestion on the skin (acne spots). It has a powerful cauterizing effect on inflamed areas.
  7. Mask according to skin type (relieving redness, inflammation and narrowing pores).
  8. Finishing agent – creams, lotions or emulsions of non-greasy texture that have a powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect.


Combined cleansing

The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 hours.

Currently, there are several types of cleansing, which are picked based on individual skin type. So, for overall healthy and well-groomed skin, with single and shallow comedones, ultrasonic cleaning is suitable – the least traumatic procedure for the skin. On the other hand, if the facial skin is oily, with deep and dense acne formations, then manual comedone removal is required.

Today, the beauty industry offers combined facial cleansing, which can be used to solve a number of cosmetic problems.

In most cases, it is possible to achieve the best results by combining ultrasonic and mechanical cleansing techniques. Combined cleansing allows for a differentiated approach to facial skin: the main surface of the skin is treated with ultrasound, and particularly problematic areas are treated mechanically with hands or a spatula.

Price 449 kr


  1. Makeup removal (cleanser + toner).
  2. Antiseptic skin treatment.
  3. Scrubbing.
  4. Softening the top layer of skin (vaporization, gels, cold hydration, galvanization, etc.).
  5. Combined ultrasonic and mechanical cleaning.
  6. d’Arsonval – healing physiotherapy after deep skin cleansing. This medical device helps the skin cope with acne due to its anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, and helps eliminate congestion on the skin (acne spots). It has a powerful cauterizing effect on inflamed areas.
  7. Mask according to skin type (relieving redness, inflammation and narrowing pores).
  8. Finishing agent – creams, lotions or emulsions of non-greasy texture that have a powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect.


Combined cleansing + peeling

Only combined cleansing allows addressing all the problems and characteristics of facial skin, thoroughly and deeply cleansing problematic areas and at the same time carefully treating areas that are sensitive to cosmetic effects. The result is that the skin is renewed, becomes more elastic, the pores are deeply cleansed, and sebum secretion is normalized.

Peeling, in turn, cleanses the skin of the top layer of keratinized cells, which cause most of the problems of the epidermis. Pimples, blackheads, acne, expression lines – these are all signals to cleanse the skin from the accumulation of dead cells, dirt and sebum.

Price 850 kr



Facial Cleansing



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